The Cafe...Real, Authentic, Safe Place!

Our be a community of authentic, real Christ-followers building a community of real relationships to one another, and our world.

Church should be more than just a menu of programs and activities. It's supposed to be a place where followers of Jesus build a community... a place where those who attend love God more, and love others (their world) more visibly!

Mission: We exist to equip Christ-followers to uniquely engage the community through authentic relationships.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Christmas at the CAFE!

Christmas at the Cafe is always a special time.
This year the four Sundays (beginning Nov. 30th) becomes a special time of reflecting what it meant to wait for Christ first coming... culminating on Dec. 21st... with our Christmas service and what it means to wait for His second coming.

Advent (from the Latin word adventus, meaning "coming") is a season of the Christian church, the period of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus, in other words, the period immediately before Christmas.

We kick-off ADVENT on Sunday, November 30th with our FIFTH SUNDAY Fellowship celebration. Service times... Coffee on at 10am... and worship begining at 10:15am.

Beginning January 4... 2009... a new contemplative service being added. Stay tuned for more... and may this Christmas involve the giving of our lives to Christ, and others, in greaer ways!

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