The Cafe...Real, Authentic, Safe Place!

Our be a community of authentic, real Christ-followers building a community of real relationships to one another, and our world.

Church should be more than just a menu of programs and activities. It's supposed to be a place where followers of Jesus build a community... a place where those who attend love God more, and love others (their world) more visibly!

Mission: We exist to equip Christ-followers to uniquely engage the community through authentic relationships.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thoughts about My Last Post!

In my last blog entry, I (Terry) recommended a book, "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller. It is one of the few blogs that people have commented on. The recommendation of the book was out of my own personal journey.

While I take another view than the comments shared, I think it is key for us to be in conversation. This blog is for our church body (Matthew's Cafe) and its activities. But because I recommended the book, I thought it would be helpful to follow-up on the Aug. 28th post (see below) and share a response.

Up front...especially to those who were concerned... Fernando, Anonymous and Traci... NO... I have not deserted the faith, or drifted into some false movement in recommending a read of Blue Like Jazz... I too have been studying where we are at as the Church.

I do know there is much dialog out there about authors like Miller being one of the many writers that are being lumped together into what is called the "emergent movement." YES... I still fully embrace the Gospel which includes a belief in the presentation of sin, judgment and a clear presentation of truth... NO... I have not wavered in any way terms of my commitment to Jesus Christ, trust in him alone, and the authority of Scripture.

And YES... salvation is by faith alone... coming through a confession of sin, and belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior that sets a person free. And that alone.

So what was the point of the blog entry?
I feel that we who have surrendered our lives to Christ, and who trust is Jesus Christ, need to come to terms with the isolation that most of us have from the world Jesus called us to reach. We are for the most part sealed off from interacting with the very people Jesus came to seek and to save. It is time for us to go to them.

We need to engage in discussion and dialog with this growing wave of unbelief in the way that Christ did. Rather than turning in... Jesus left the Father, entered their world, lived and proclaimed the truth, and presented/translated the Gospel to them (Matthew 9), on their turf, even when the religious would not have it.

I do believe that taking the Gospel to the non-believing world is a call for us to become missionaries to our neighborhoods, like those who now serve around the world. These servants in foreign lands invest time and relationship into understanding where people are, and then build bridges required to take people from where they are, to where need to be... that is what it means to surrender and follow Christ in our day. Even if it risks being misunderstood.

NO... not so far so as to compromise truth... and NO not to forsake the preaching of the Word... But YES... far enough to make sure that what we are holding to actual truth alone, and not our preferences as Christians. It is being willing to (like Paul) to become all things, to all men, so that some might believe. Holding fast to truth, yet willing to lay down our preferred approach and style.

An observation: There have been things that have been said by the likes of John MacArthur, Chuck Swindoll, Chuck Smith and other leaders that I have not agreed with down through the years in my growth as a Christian. In the 80s I watched as John MacArthur has wrote off the whole of the charismatic movement, and assigned tongues to something not being not from God, but of the flesh and enemy. Thought I do not always agree, these same men have sharpened my faith and practice, and challenged me to grow.

I know some who feel Miller does not even fit in that same camp as the leaders above. But at the risk of being misunderstood, (and I could be wrong) much of the fears I hear often have more to do with the methods, than error in teaching. There is no doubt that Miller's upbringing and hurt from the church has made his unorthodox approach and methods to the non-Christian world not the norm.

Please do NOT in ANYWAY hear that as I am not committed to truth, and or have fallen prey to a movement that is not according to truth. Any of us can be wrong in our assessment of things. If we ever lose that reality, we will fall prey to false teaching. Rather, I have chosen to allow the practice of my faith (not the faith itself) be challenged and sharpened by those I still do consider a brother in Christ, though I might not always agree.

I read Blue Like Jazz last year, was impacted by it, and did not evaluate it to offer any a truth other than that which is according to Scripture. Oh... I was challenged, and yes I did not agree with all his methods, but my read landed it within the confines of Scripture. I voluntarily take on the challenge to read and review Blue Like Jazz, again, and will offer a review on my personal blog on Leader Breakthru blog in the next 30-days (

My commitment: If I find that which is in the book, is not according to the Gospel, I will offer correction to where I think Miller is off, and not recommend it in the future, In terms of Miller's new book, and the posture that was ascribed to him, I will wait until it comes out.

I am glad several felt strong enough to dialog with me.
Let me be so bold to ask us each to not assign to each other a belief either may hold before dialog. Wholesale lumping of any of us in a group is not helpful, especially when comes to believing we are leaving the truth. We need the chance to truly hear where each other is coming from, regardless of what the other critics may say.

I have been hurt in the past (and I am sure I have hurt others) by doing that. We may not always agree with each other, but love for each other and brothers and sisters in Christ should be our trademark. Let us reason together, talk things through, and let iron sharpens iron.

I welcome your thoughts.


My Blessed Life said...
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Anonymous said...

I never made any assumptions about you, or the ministry you are doing up in Chico, or where you stand with the Lord. I was only pointing out some areas where Miller was incorrect. Like you said, "My commitment: If I find that which is in the book, is not according to the Gospel, I will offer correction to where I think Miller is off..." I was trying to do the same. In no way was I trying to disrespect you or Matthew's Cafe. I agree with some in the "emergent movement," that we need to constantly be examining ourselves, our views, and our assumptions, as the LORD calls us to do, and measuring it against scripture. However, some in that movement are forgetting the "sola scriptura" part, and that is where it id my duty to offer correction on the matter.

Thank you for posting this response, and continue the reach the lost out in Chico, and we will pray that the LORD and His word is always the center of your ministry out there!

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