The Cafe...Real, Authentic, Safe Place!

Our be a community of authentic, real Christ-followers building a community of real relationships to one another, and our world.

Church should be more than just a menu of programs and activities. It's supposed to be a place where followers of Jesus build a community... a place where those who attend love God more, and love others (their world) more visibly!

Mission: We exist to equip Christ-followers to uniquely engage the community through authentic relationships.

Friday, March 21, 2008

New Life! New Home!

EASTER... Resurrection Celebration!
There is no greater day for a Christ-follower than Easter and the celebration of the resurrection of Christ.

And there is no better time than for a Church family than to be brought back from the ashes of fire to celebrate Christ's conquering of death and destruction in a new home that God has provided.

We began with an Easter service, we now celebrate our next chapter in our new Mangrove home this Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday at the Cafe!
Two Worship times... 9am and 10:45am!
10:15-10:45am... Coffee and Rolls on the Patio!
Come... bring your family... invite back Cafe friends... bring your neighbor.

And NEXT Sunday, March 30th ...
Don't Miss The Fifth Sunday Fellowship

Worship... sharing and Potluck lunch together.
10am Worship - 11:30 Lunch
A-M > Main Dish + Salad
N-Z > Main Dish + Desert

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