The Cafe...Real, Authentic, Safe Place!

Our be a community of authentic, real Christ-followers building a community of real relationships to one another, and our world.

Church should be more than just a menu of programs and activities. It's supposed to be a place where followers of Jesus build a community... a place where those who attend love God more, and love others (their world) more visibly!

Mission: We exist to equip Christ-followers to uniquely engage the community through authentic relationships.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This Sunday=5th Sunday!

It's been awhile, but this Sunday we will have a Fifth Sunday Fellowship! What is it?

Whenever a FIFTH Sunday is in a month, we worship and spend time hearing what God is doing in each of our lives. Then, we do lunch on-site... right after worship!

The schedule this Sunday:
10:15-11:30am Worship and Sharing
11:30-1:00 Lunch.

What to bring with you to worship?

Last name A-M = Main Dish + Salad
Last Name N-Z = Main Dish + Dessert
Church will take care of drinks and silverware.
See You There!

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