The Cafe...Real, Authentic, Safe Place!

Our be a community of authentic, real Christ-followers building a community of real relationships to one another, and our world.

Church should be more than just a menu of programs and activities. It's supposed to be a place where followers of Jesus build a community... a place where those who attend love God more, and love others (their world) more visibly!

Mission: We exist to equip Christ-followers to uniquely engage the community through authentic relationships.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

National Day of Prayer May 7th

On Thursday, May 7th, the 58th Annual National Day of Prayer is being observed. The theme for this year is "Prayer... America's Hope" and is based on the verse from Psalm 33:22 which states: "May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you."

This year the Prayer Team and the Leadership Team are organizing a 12-hour prayer watch from 6am to 6pm. We encourage you to participate individually, as a family, as a group from your work, as a couple of friends instead of your weekly coffee time. There is a sign up sheet in the back marked off in half hour time blocks but you can sign up for more time than the half hour. Our goal is to have 12 hours of continuous prayer at the café.

We will have a Praise Service that evening from 6:30–8pm to thank the Lord for His goodness and unfailing love toward us.


Anonymous said...

Where can I find out more about what is offered instead of just (mostly) outdated posts about events taht have already happened...interesting to read but not very informative...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates. Is the Cafe open during the week? Where can I find out information about ministries like you used to have like Celebrate Recovery?