As most of you know, Terry Walling recently release his new book "Stuck." He shared his insights on how to recognize and navigate through the transitions of life and how they are part of the work God is doing through us. Not only does Terry teach and write about transitions, he is going through one himself right now. And so is Matthew's Café.
Over the past few years Terry has taken on the lead pastor role at Matthew's Café. He has used his apostolic gifting as a visionary to get our church to the place it is at today. He has been instrumental in creating a place where we can participate in genuine worship of God, have real authentic relationships with each other and be challenge to engage our community with the hope of Jesus Christ.
As God continues to move and lead in Terry's life, He is taking him in a different direction. Terry's role and level of involvement at Matthew's Café has greatly changed in order to be faithful to God's calling and give it the attention it needs. Terry has already transitioned out of the lead pastoral role and, just recently, has step off of the Leadership Team. He will continue to call Matthew's Café his home and provide us with leadership development and teaching from time to time.
This Sunday we will spend some time talking more about this transition, what Terry is doing now and how this impacts the Café. We hope to see you there.
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